
Detection and management of hypersensitivity reactions
Barbara B. Rogers, CRNP, MN, AOCN®, ANP-BC, Terri Cuddahy, MSN, RN, OCN®, Caralyn Briscella, BSN, RN, OCN®, Nicole Ross, MSN, CRNP, AOCNP®, Anthony J. Olszanski, MD, and Crystal S. Denlinger, MD, FACP

BACKGROUND: Oxaliplatin is used extensively for the treatment of gastrointestinal cancer and other malignancies, with increased frequency of use in recent years. Hypersensitivity reactions (HSRs) can pose a major problem in clinical practice because they can limit the use of oxaliplatin in the care
of malignancies in which it has proven efficacy. Nurses play an integral role in the administration of oxaliplatin; therefore, they need to be well educated in the prevention, detection, and man- agement of HSRs.

OBJECTIVES: This article reviews the symptoms of HSRs associated with oxaliplatin, the specific management of HSRs associated with oxaliplatin, the role of desensitization, and the potential use of skin testing to better identify patients at risk for HSR.

METHODS: This article reviews the literature related to the diagnosis, prevention, and man- agement of HSRs associated with oxaliplatin and outlines nurses’ role.

FINDINGS: Oxaliplatin HSRs can occur at any cycle, but patients are at highest risk after they have received six prior infusions of oxaliplatin.

HYPERSENSITIVITY REACTIONS (HSRs) ARE A MAJOR PROBLEM in the administration of cancer treatment, because this toxicity can affect the treatment’s future use as a safe option for the patient. HSRs can range in severity from mild to life-threatening, and they are graded and defined by the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events ([CTCAE], version 5.0) (see Table 1). Other grading scales have been recommended because of the difficulty in the CTCAE scale not being able to predict future risk with desensitization. Although HSRs are not a new issue, much is unknown regarding the prevention and man- agement of HSRs. There are no established guidelines in the diagnosis and management of HSRs of chemotherapy, targeted therapy, or immunotherapy agents. Nurses continue to query other nurses for management strategies for HSRs, and this is often a topic of discussion in the Oncology Nursing Society Communities.
Oxaliplatin is an alkylating agent that interacts with DNA to form intrastrand/interstrand DNA crosslinks that affect DNA base pairing, replica- tion, and gene transcription, ultimately causing cell death (Kim et al., 2012). This cytotoxic agent is used extensively for the treatment of gastrointestinal and gynecologic cancers, and its use has been increasing during the past decade (Okayama et al., 2015). Despite wide-ranging activity in a variety of cancers, oxaliplatin treatment can be limited by several toxicities, most com- monly peripheral sensory neuropathy, cytopenias, gastrointestinal toxicity, fatigue, and the potential for HSRs (Sanofi-Aventis, 2015). In the manage- ment of gastrointestinal malignancies, not a lot of equivalent agents with different or decreased toxicity can be used instead of oxaliplatin (Parel et al., 2014). How often oxaliplatin is discontinued because of an HSR is not well known, because not all studies report the discontinuation rate; how- ever, some studies have reported an approximate discontinuation rate of 21% (Yanai et al., 2012). Without many equivalent agents that can replace oxal- iplatin in treatments for patients, the occurrence of HSRs can have a huge impact on the care of patients with gastrointestinal cancers.
The overall incidence of oxaliplatin HSR ranges from less than 2% to 25% in various studies and does not appear to be associated with a par- ticular oncologic diagnosis (Brandi et al., 2003; Gowda, Goel, Berdzik, Leichman, & Javle, 2004; Okayama et al., 2015; Shibata et al., 2009). The incidence of reactions to oxaliplatin is increasing at a rate parallel to that of the increased use of oxaliplatin (Brandi et al., 2003; Lee et al., 2007; Maindrault-Goebel et al., 2005). The risk of grade 3–4 reactions is about 1.6%, whereas life-threatening reactions occur in about 1% of cases (Joerger, 2012; Parel et al., 2014).

Platinum agent–associated HSR symptoms are attributable to an immunoglobulin E (IgE)/mast cell–mediated reaction (see Figure 1). They can range from cutaneous symptoms, such as palmar or facial flushing, to shortness of breath, nausea, vom- iting, and diarrhea. Unless these symptoms are addressed, patients may progress to severe reactions, such as cardiac arrest and death (Sanofi-Aventis, 2015; Tamura et al., 2014). Respiratory symptoms (chest tightness, dyspnea) and general symptoms (fever, myalgia) also are common and occur in about 42% of patients who expe- rience an HSR (Park et al., 2016). Cardiovascular symptoms, rhinorrhea, and neurologic symptoms are rare. Severe anaphylaxis symptoms also are uncommon. Park et al. (2016) reported that the most common clinical manifestations of oxaliplatin HSRs are cuta- neous symptoms (pruritus, rash, and urticaria), occurring in 45% of the patients who reacted to oxaliplatin. Other reactions, such as Gell and Coombs type II–mediated thrombocytopenia, immune complex–mediated symptoms of chronic urticaria, cytokine release syndrome, and pulmonary fibrosis, have been reported. Therefore, HSRs and other drug-mediated adverse responses to oxaliplatin

are unpredictable (Castells, Sancho-Serra Mdel, & Simarro, 2012). Studies suggest that HSR symptoms are similar whether the patient experiences them early in treatment or later (seven or more infusions).
Many studies have attempted to determine the risk factors associated with the occurrence of oxaliplatin-related HSRs, and many studies suggest that the number of chemotherapy treat- ments may be significant in predicting the occurrence of HSRs associated with oxaliplatin. Oxaliplatin reactions tend to occur during the seventh to ninth infusion, but they can occur earlier (Kim, Bradley, Tai, & Budman, 2009; Maindrault-Goebel et al., 2005; Polyzos et al., 2009; Siu, Chan, & Au, 2006). Park et al. (2016) found that there were two peaks in the incidence of HSRs associated with oxaliplatin—the first around the third cycle and the second around the sixth cycle. This is confirmed by studies in which reactions were documented after 6–10 cycles (Polyzos et al., 2009). Findings from Mori et al. (2010) suggest that an oxal- iplatin-free interval followed by re-exposure to oxaliplatin may increase the risk of HSR. Additional data suggest that potential



Allergic reaction
Systemic intervention not indicated
Oral intervention indicated Bronchospasm; hos- pitalization indicated for clinical sequelae; IV intervention indicated
Life-threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated


– Symptomatic broncho- spasm, with or without urticaria; parenteral intervention indicated; allergy-related edema or angioedema; hypo- tension

Life-threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated


Cytokine release syndrome
Fever with or without constitutional symp- toms Hypotension respond- ing to fluids; hypoxia responding to less than 40% oxygen Hypotension managed by 1 pressor; hypoxia requiring 40% or more oxygen
Life-threating con- sequences; urgent intervention indicated

Serum sickness Asymptomatic; clinical or diagnostic observa- tions only; intervention not indicated
Moderate arthralgia or arthritis; urticaria; anti- histamines indicated Severe arthralgia or arthritis; extensive rash; steroids or IV fluids indicated Life-threatening consequences; pressor or ventilatory support indicated

Immune system disorders—other, specify

Asymptomatic or mild symptoms; clinical or diagnostic observations only; intervention not indicated

Moderate; minimal, local, or noninvasive intervention indicated; limiting age-appropriate instrumental activities of daily living Severe or medi- cally significant but not immediately
life-threatening; hos- pitalization or prolongation of existing hospitalization indicated; disabling; limiting self-care activi- ties of daily living

Life-threatening consequences; urgent intervention indicated

Note. From Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events [v.5.0], by National Cancer Institute Cancer Therapy Evaluation Program, 2017. Retrieved from https://ctep.cancer.gov/ protocolDevelopment/electronic_applications/docs/CTCAE_v5_Quick_Reference_8.5×11.pdf

risk factors for HSR include female gender, preexisting aller- gies to other drugs, and lactate dehydrogenase level (Seki et al., 2014). Potential risk factors for grade 3–4 reaction include higher neutrophil count and lower monocyte count (Seki et al., 2014). Oxaliplatin HSR incidence rates can be higher during palliative second-line treatments compared to adjuvant treatments, par- ticularly if irinotecan was given in the first regimen (Siu et al., 2006). Although many studies have tried to identify risk factors for HSRs, the only consistent risk factor is the number of oxal- iplatin doses administered (Okayama et al., 2015).

Management of Oxaliplatin HSR
Oxaliplatin HSR prevention is preferred over reactive therapy. However, HSRs are unpredictable and can occur at any cycle, despite administering premedications. At a minimum, standard

“Nurses play a key role in educating patients regarding the reaction and managing their anxiety.”

premedications for oxaliplatin administration include antiemet- ics, such as a 5-HT3 antagonist with dexamethasone.
In addition, histamine blockers (H1 and H2) are administered with corticosteroids to prevent HSRs. Although these addi- tional medications are not routinely given at all centers, studies suggest that the amount of dexamethasone given as a premedi- cation could be a predictor of HSR (Kidera et al., 2011; Kim et al., 2012). A retrospective study of 181 patients receiving oxaliplatin as part of the FOLFOX (leucovorin calcium, 5-fluorouracil, and oxaliplatin) regimen demonstrated a lower risk of HSR at the sixth cycle when standard antiemetics were administered along with high-dose dexamethasone (20 mg), diphenhydramine (50 mg), and famotidine (20 mg). When compared to a cohort of patients receiving standard premedication (dexamethasone 8 mg and granisetron), the group receiving the intensified pre- medication regimen had a lower incidence of HSR (7% versus 20%) and an increase in the median number of cycles from 9 to 12 (Kidera et al., 2011). Of note, this intensified premedication did not prevent anaphylaxis.
Treatment of an HSR is based on severity; treatment includes the administration of corticosteroids, histamine blockers, IV normal saline (to maintain venous access), and oxygen, in addi- tion to stopping the oxaliplatin infusion during the reaction (Tham, Cheng, Tay, Alcasabas, & Shek, 2015) (see Table 2). In anticipation of maintaining an airway and circulation if HSR occurs, the infusion nurse should be prepared to administer med- ications to treat the HSR and assemble emergency equipment if needed (Joerger, 2012; Polovich, Olsen, & LeFebvre, 2016). In severe anaphylaxis, the timely administration of intramuscular epinephrine can be life-saving (Muraro et al., 2014; Simons et al., 2015; Tham et al., 2015).
Vital signs are assessed every two to five minutes until the patient is stable. In the case of lower-grade reactions, patients will have resolution of their HSR symptoms with administration of steroids and antihistamines. Some authors (Bano, Najam, Qazi, & Mateen, 2016; Polovich et al., 2016) indicate that, in patients who experience mild symptoms of an HSR, the infusion may be resumed, even on the same day as the HSR occurred, provided the

symptoms of the HSR have fully resolved. However, because of the potential severity of HSR on rechallenge, patients who experi- ence an HSR from oxaliplatin are rarely rechallenged on the same day as the one on which they experienced the HSR. In patients with more significant reactions, continued administration of oxaliplatin with appropriate precautions should be reviewed by the prescribing practitioner prior to patient rechallenge.

Desensitization After HSR
Patients who experience a lower-grade (grade 1 or 2) HSR should be evaluated for continued treatment via desensitization. Rapid drug desensitization (RDD) is a procedure to determine tempo- rary clinical tolerance to a drug. Based on an RDD protocol, the nurse administers sequentially increased doses to complete the therapeutic dose. Each exposure to the allergenic medication requires the desensitization procedure because RDD induces transient (immune) unresponsiveness (Castells et al., 2012).
Patients at high risk for adverse events during RDD include those with a history of severe initial HSRs prompting hypo- tension, oxygen desaturation, cardiovascular collapse, or high cardiac risk, and those on beta blockers. During desensitization, these patients may be more closely monitored as an inpatient hospitalization. In addition, patients treated with beta blockers and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors may not respond to epinephrine for anaphylaxis, so it is best to avoid patients taking these agents on the day that their desensitization is sched- uled (Castells et al., 2012).
Rechallenge with oxaliplatin is generally less successful than with other drugs. Fifty percent of patients who are rechallenged with platinum compounds experience HSRs despite receiving premedications (Aroldi, Prochilo, Bertocci, & Zaniboni, 2015). Reactions during desensitization typically are similar to the symptoms that patients experienced during their initial HSR, but usually less severe. Because there are no protocols establishing safe oxaliplatin rechallenge, patients should be pre-evaluated for RDD before rapid desensitization.
A typical desensitization protocol requires premedication with dexamethasone (steroid preparation, such as dexametha- sone 10 mg every 6 hours starting 24 hours before the scheduled desensitization initiation) in the 24 hours prior to the infu- sion and the use of high-dose dexamethasone in conjunction with histamine (H1 and H2) blockade (Kidera et al., 2011). The number of concentrations used as premedications in the RDD varies depending on the drug and institution. A 12-step protocol reported by Castells et al. (2008) was developed specifically for paclitaxel and has been modified by others for oxaliplatin (see Table 3). In patients who have had a severe anaphylactic reaction to a drug, the number of steps may be increased to 16 or 20 if rechallenge with oxaliplatin is attempted.
In patients who continue to react despite desensitization, oral acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) 325 mg and oral montelukast 10

mg have shown to obtain substantial benefit from the addition of ASA and montelukast pretreatment. In a study of 78 desensitiza- tions to platinum chemotherapy in 14 patients with HSR who had cutaneous symptoms, ASA 325 mg and montelukast 10 mg admin- istered the two days before and on the day of the RDD resulted in 86% of patients being able to tolerate subsequent desensiti- zations with less severe or no HSR (Breslow, Caiado, & Castells, 2009). The biggest benefit of ASA and montelukast pretreatment was in patients with skin and respiratory symptoms.
Five patients presented with limited skin reaction: three were noted to have complete blocking of their symptoms by the pre- treatment with ASA and montelukast, and the other two patients who continued to have skin reactions continued to do so during subsequent desensitizations. In addition to these five patients, there were an additional two patients who presented with more extensive skin reactions, which included angioedema, during



Hives, welts, wheals, transient flush- ing, feeling hot ɔDiphenhydramine 50 mg IV one time
ɔIf the patient is unable to tolerate diphenhydramine: hydroxyzine 50 mg deep intramuscular one time or hydroxyzine 50 mg by mouth one time
ɔChoose one: hydrocortisone 100 mg IV one time or dexametha- sone 10 mg IV one time

Rigors, chills ɔ Meperidine 25 mg IV every 15 minutes as needed for rigors or chills (maximum total dose of 100 mg)
Drug fever higher than 38°C, arthral- gia, myalgia, headache ɔ Acetaminophen 650 mg by mouth one time

Nausea, vomiting ɔ Choose one: ondansetron 8 mg IV one time or prochlorperazine 10 mg IV one time or famotidine 20 mg IV one time

Anaphylaxis: hypotension (systolic blood pressure < 90 mmHg), dyspnea, wheezing, stridor, bronchospasm, angioedema, chest pain, tongue swelling, dysrhythmia, syncope, persistent vomiting ɔEpinephrine 1:1,000 dilution 0.3 mg intramuscular once in antero- lateral thigh for hypotension or airway obstruction; may repeat once in 5–15 minutes if needed
ɔDiphenhydramine 50 mg IV one time
ɔDexamethasone 10 mg IV one time
ɔFamotidine 20 mg IV one time
Note. From Fox Chase Cancer Center Policy for Hypersensitivity Reaction to Chemo- therapy, Protocol, by Fox Chase Cancer Center, 2016. Copyright 2016 by Fox Chase Cancer Center. Reprinted with permission.

their initial desensitization. Both of these patients responded to pretreatment with ASA and montelukast and were noted to have either complete blocking of their symptoms or their symptoms were reduced to a much milder reaction that was confined to the skin without any associated angioedema.
Oxaliplatin RDD medication protocols require further study to establish their protective or additive roles. In addition, studies can determine which patients are best treated with desensitiza- tion protocols, based on initial HSR symptoms.

The Potential Predictive Role of Skin Testing
As noted earlier, two mechanisms are likely associated with oxal- iplatin HSRs: IgE-mediated and non–IgE-mediated. Patients who have had an IgE-mediated sensitization may respond when exposed to the drug (Park et al., 2016). After desensitization, the patient’s response to skin test reactivity may abate; this response implies a profound change in mast cell reactivity. The exact mech- anism that makes the mast cell unresponsive to specific antigens is not clear. Subthreshold depletion of mediators and depletion of activating signal transduction, such as spleen tyrosine kinase, have been indicated (Castells, 2006). Negative skin tests may indicate non–IgE-mediated HSRs and, therefore, skin testing and desensitization may be less effective (Pagani & Bonadonna, 2014). Early studies indicate that skin testing has a role in predicting or confirming HSR related to platinum drug sensitivity. Additional studies can determine which patients benefit from skin testing and desensitization.
Studies evaluating the initial skin testing determined prospec- tively if patients treated with carboplatin had hypersensitivity to the drug (Markman et al., 2003; Zanotti et al., 2001). Other studies have focused on the use of skin testing in patients receiving any of the three platinum drugs (cisplatin, carboplatin, and oxaliplatin). Skin tests can include patch tests, prick tests, and intradermal


1 1/10,000 100 ml D5W 1 hour
2 1/1,000 100 ml D5W 1 hour
3 1/100 100 ml D5W 1 hour
4 1/10 100 ml D5W 1 hour

5 Balance of calculated dose
500 ml D5W
2 hours
D5W—dextrose 5% in water
Note. Oxaliplatin dose is calculated in mg/m2 using height and weight. Standard desensitization rates are done in serial dilutions. Patients take oral preparation starting 24 hours prior to scheduled desensitization.
Note. Based on information from Fox Chase Cancer Center, 2016.

tests (IDTs). Patch tests are frequently negative in patients who have experienced an HSR to the drug that is tested. Prick tests and IDTs are more useful in skin testing related to an HSR for a specific drug.
Few studies have evaluated the value of skin testing for patients receiving oxaliplatin. Park et al. (2016) evaluated a skin test administered intradermally into the middle portion of a patient’s forearm. The concentration of oxaliplatin was 5 mg/ ml, with which 0.03 ml were administered intradermally. Results were read 15 minutes after the injection and were deemed positive if there was a weal 3 mm or greater in size. Although they found that the skin tests were useful in predicting a potential reaction to oxaliplatin, they concluded that additional studies are needed. Studies looking at the usefulness of skin testing to predict the risk of HSR from oxaliplatin suggest that the sensitivity rates of skin tests to oxaliplatin varies from 26%–100%. Some studies further suggest that IDT be used to confirm allergy after HSR to oxal- iplatin. However, no studies have prospectively evaluated IDT as a predictor of subsequent HSR or have been able to establish the positive predictive value of IDT in this setting (Garufi et al., 2003; Leguy-Seguin et al., 2007; Madrigal-Burgaleta et al., 2013).
In an attempt to standardize skin testing, Pagani, Bonadonna, Senna, and Antico (2008) evaluated various concentrations of oxaliplatin. Testing was performed with 4 patients who had experienced oxaliplatin-related HSR, 10 patients who had received oxaliplatin without experiencing HSR, and 15 control patients who had no prior exposure to platinum salts from che- motherapy or occupational exposure. Prick tests were negative in all nonexposed individuals and patients without HSR. Prick testing was positive in only one of the four patients with a his- tory of HSR. All four were positive when IDT was used. Optimal concentration was determined to be 1 mg/ml for prick tests and
0.1mg/ml for IDT. Pagani et al. (2008) also reported the use of skin testing as a means to identify patients at risk for oxaliplatin HSR; with those having a positive skin test, they recommend that the oxaliplatin should be administered as a 12-step desen- sitization protocol for subsequent administrations. The false-negative rate was 5%, with HSRs typically occurring during cycle 6 or later (Pagani & Bonadonna, 2014). Based on these studies, the authors suggest beginning skin testing after five cycles of oxaliplatin, typically starting with the prick test and proceeding to IDT if the prick test is negative (Pagani & Bonadonna, 2014; Pagani et al., 2008).
Caiado and Picard (2014) and Caiado and Castells (2015) reviewed oxaliplatin-related HSRs and skin testing. The reported negative predictive value of 95% indicates a high level of predic- tion of the skin test in being able to identify those who have a low risk of having an HSR to the oxaliplatin and usefulness of the skin test to minimize those who would need desensitization when it would not be predicted to be useful in patients with a negative skin test. Differences in reported sensitivity of skin

test was related to different techniques, concentrations, and inclusion of patients with delayed HSR. The authors’ recommen- dations included performing skin tests at least two weeks after HSR, starting with prick test and proceeding to IDT if prick test is negative, and using histamine and normal saline solution as pos- itive and negative controls. Patch testing is not recommended. However, of note is that patients with positive skin tests are more likely to have breakthrough HSR during desensitization. To establish standards of care for patients receiving oxaliplatin, studies are needed to establish skin testing correlated with HSR mediators.

The Role of Nurses in HSR Management
Nurses need to be aware of symptoms that may occur as a result of HSRs to oxaliplatin, as well as the potential timing of when they may occur. A standard of care should be in place for nurses to follow regarding the management of HSRs so that prompt intervention to manage the HSRs can occur. Nurses administer- ing oxaliplatin also manage HSRs. Management includes stopping the infusion of oxaliplatin and starting an infusion of normal saline. Additional medications, such as dexamethasone, diphen- hydramine, and famotidine should be administered until the symptoms of the HSR resolve. If anaphylaxis occurs, epinephrine should be administered. Vital signs, including pulse oximetry, are monitored closely, and supplemental oxygen should be admin- istered for hypoxia (oxygen saturation less than 91%). A 12-lead electrocardiogram should be obtained if the patient experiences chest pain (Polovich et al., 2016). The primary oncology pro- vider should be notified of the occurrence of the reaction, what interventions were administered, and the patient’s response to the interventions to manage the reaction; a discussion of further plans for care (e.g., need for steroid preparation, desensitization, or discontinuation of oxaliplatin in future treatments) should occur. If the patient does not recover from the HSR with the interventions mentioned (stopping the oxaliplatin, H1 and H2 blockers, IV fluids) and continues to experience significant symp- toms from the HSR (e.g., hypotension, hypoxia, arrhythmia) or experiences symptoms of anaphylaxis, rapid response should be called.
If further oxaliplatin is planned, it ideally should be admin- istered by desensitization protocol with premedications and consideration of an outpatient steroid preparation more than 24 hours in advance of the desensitization. During the desensiti- zation, patients need to be monitored closely because HSRs can occur during the desensitization. If a reaction occurs despite or during desensitization, oxaliplatin should be permanently discontinued. Nurses play a key role not only in assessing and managing HSRs, but also in educating patients regarding the reaction and managing their anxiety associated with the reac- tion. In addition, nurses can provide key information about the nature of the HSR to the prescribing practitioner to best

determine the action for future infusions of the drug, including whether to attempt desensitization based on the severity of the initial HSR.

Oxaliplatin-associated HSRs represent a challenge in the treat- ment of patients with cancer. The question remains if the increase in the incidence of oxaliplatin HSRs is solely based on the increased use of this agent or if there are other causes for the increased incidence.
Currently, risk factors for the development of HSRs have not been definitively established, but desensitization protocols have allowed for safe continuation of the drug despite a history of reaction. Further work to establish predictive tools, such as skin testing and the optimal premedication regimen, are needed. In addition, the medications (and their doses) that can be given as premedication prior to the administration of oxaliplatin to pre- vent the occurrence of HSRs are not well studied. In addition, the medications that should be administered prior to an oxal- iplatin desensitization (e.g., corticosteroids, H1 and H2 blockers, ASA and montelukast) have not been well studied, and further research in this area can establish protocols to safely administer oxaliplatin to a patient with a history of HSR. Nurses play an important role in the recognition, detection, and management of HSRs, because they represent the primary witness to the reaction and can help guide future management of oxaliplatin in patients who are at risk for or experienced a treatment-defining reaction.

Barbara B. Rogers, CRNP, MN, AOCN®, ANP-BC, is an adult hematology/oncology nurse practitioner, Terri Cuddahy, MSN, RN, OCN®, is a level V nurse, Caralyn Briscella, BSN, RN, OCN®, is a level IV staff nurse, Nicole Ross, MSN, CRNP, AOC- NP®, is a nurse practitioner, Anthony J. Olszanski, MD, is the vice chairman of the Department of Hematology/Oncology, and Crystal S. Denlinger, MD, FACP, is an associate professor in the Department of Hematology/Oncology, all at Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia, PA. Rogers can be reached at barbara.rogers @fccc.edu, with copy to [email protected]. (Submitted May 2018. Accepted September 15, 2018.)

The authors take full responsibility for this content. Rogers has previously served on speakers bureaus for AbbVie, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Genentech, Seattle Genetics, and Teva Pharmaceutical Industries, and has previously participated on advisory boards for AstraZeneca, Cardinal Health, Genentech, Gilead Sciences, Jazz Pharmaceu- ticals, Merck & Co., Mylan, Inc., Sandoz, and Takeda Pharmaceutical Company.
Olszanski was supported by funding from Adaptimmune, Amgen, Astellas Pharma, Boston Biomedical, Checkmate Pharmaceuticals, Eli Lilly and Company, EMD

Serono, GlaxoSmithKline, Immunocore, Incyte Corporation, Intensity Therapeutics, Kura Oncology, Kyowa Electronic Instruments, Merck & Co., Oncoceutics, Sanofi, Takeda Pharmaceutical Company, and Targovax, and has previously consulted for Bristol-Myers Squibb, Takeda Pharmaceutical Company, Merck & Co., and Pfizer. Denlinger was supported by funding from Agios Pharmaceuticals, Array BioPharma, AstraZeneca, Astex, BeiGene, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Eli Lilly and Company, Incyte Corporation, MacroGenics, MedImmune, Merrimack Pharmaceuticals, OncoMed Pharmaceuticals, and Roche/Genentech, and has previously consulted for Bayer, Carevive, Eli Lilly and Company, EMD Serono, Merck & Co., and Merrimack Pharma- ceuticals. The article has been reviewed by independent peer reviewers to ensure that it is objective and free from bias.

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